Saturday, December 25, 2010

That's not chocolate

Merry Christmas. It was a good day today, with the exception of some extremely crabby moments whenever food was mentioned. Being Christmas, it was mentioned a lot. But the kids were happy with all their presents, Jim liked his (which I think might be a first!), and I got what I wanted too. Jack was super funny - he figured out the joy of a stocking. Allie helped him with it, and he had a huge doggy grin and seemed to figure out that more and more treats were coming out of it. He was quivering with joy and excitement. Once his was emptied of all his goodies, he turned and immediately concluded that ALL stockings were for him.

I mentioned in my previous post about my friend Terese sending me some of her 'snip candy'. I couldn't find it today. I looked and looked, then finally decided in a huff of indignation that Jim or the kids probably took it away from me. Tonight, as I am getting ready for bed, I've been looking for the snip candy again. I finally found the box, tipped on its side, on the side of my desk. Almost as if it had been pushed. Weird. Really weird. My initial thought was how many snips can I save, then my next thought was why are there so FEW snips on the ground. That was soon followed by why are the chocolate crumbs on the ground? I brushed it off, thinking nothing, and sat up at my desk here to take my meds and type. Weird, but there are more chocolate crumbs on my desk. And they are all the same little oval shape. At this point, I am starting to think, "What the hell?" So I smushed one. Weird consistency.

And then a slow dawning...that's NOT chocolate. And another snip candy WAS pushed. By a RODENT.

I just went and looked around, and sure enough, tell tale little droppings are on Jim's desk, the floor, and in a couple of corners.

SHOOT. I'm now willing to bet that the weird little scratching I heard last night wasn't Jack scraping his nails. It woke me up, and I thought, "What on earth is Jack doing to make that noise?"

Me thinks it wasn't Jack.

Me thinks there is a mouse in my house.

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