Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Ever since I can remember I have been on anti-depressants. The medication I have been on for the past year is called Cymbalta. It has worked well for me. Unfortunately, it is only available in a timed release form. After my surgery, I can't take any timed release medications, because, well, they won't have time to release!

I saw my psychiatrist yesterday to discuss a change. He recommended Effexor. It is in the same family as Cymbalta and would be a lateral move. Because of this, I don't need the necessary weeks of weaning off the old and then weaning on to the new medication. However, the change is not without side effects.

The doctor said that for a few days I will experience headaches, nausea, and ELECTRIC SHOCKS shooting out of my hands. He said it had something to do with neuro-transmitters emptying and then filling again, blah, blah, blah. I didn't quite understand the explanation.

What I did understand is that for the next few days everyone may refer to me as the Emperor. Strong with me is the Dark Side.

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