Sunday, December 5, 2010

Only I could almost kill myself cleaning a bathroom

Odd things seem to happen to me, more often than they do to most people. I don't know why. I am having Roux-n-Y Gastric Bypass surgery in 24 days. Since I tend to have complications with surgeries (infections, slow to recover, etc.) my plan has been to get my house as clean as possible before hand. That way my husband and kids will only have to focus on picking up, not actual deep cleaning. Today was the downstairs bathroom's turn. This bathroom is used by Jim and I, but for some reason it tends to get a hundred times dirtier that the kid's bathroom does. I blame it on the hairspray. A few pumps of hairspray in the mornings create a slightly sticky film, to which everything, especially Jim's beard, stick to. That and the fact that since no one ever sees this bathroom, it usually finds itself on the bottom of the to-do list, which I rarely make it to. The sink doesn't drain properly, leading to a build up of beard shavings, soap scum, make up, tooth paste, etc. One of these days I expect the shower will just turn in on itself, creating a vaccuum into which it just disappears altogether.

So today I listed it as number ONE priority, just to get it over with. I learning something new while cleaning. I poured a couple gallons of bleach into the toilet to soak, covered the shower floor and walls with bleach, and also poured some along the baseboards on the linoleum. Overkill? Maybe. I then took Scrubbing bubbles and sprayed everything down with that, as well. Last but not least, I squirted the shower walls and the sink down with Lime Away. My intent was to let everything soak before I attacked with scrub brushes.

Guess what an ingredient in Lime Away is? Pneumonia. It wasn't long (a few seconds) before my throat and eyes started to burn, and I honestly felt I couldn't get any air to my lungs. Holding my breath, I turned on the shower and sink, turned on the vent, closed the door and got out. Do you know what happens when you mix bleach and pneumonia? It produces a fast acting poisonous gas. I KNEW that. I just didn't know the Lime Away ingredients. I spent the next few minutes filling buckets with water from the laundry sink and then dashing in to wash away the chemicals.

 An hour has gone by and my eyes still burn.

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