Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The night before

Well, it is the night before my surgery, and I think I have everything in order. I've packed what I need to bring, brought Allie to her friend's house, said good night to Justin, and now am ready for bed.

Oh, and I did the colon prep. What crazy person invented that? Can't they just flush things out with a hose while they are in there? It would be much easier. As it is, things are feeling quite sensitive right now.

I'm super nervous. This is sort of like when I had my hysterectomy. I knew it was the right thing to do, but it was just so PERMANENT. This feels that same way. Scary, exciting - all emotions at the same time right now.

Hopefully I can update from the hospital. If not, I will ask Jim to do a short update at home in the evenings.

All will go well. I'm ready.

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