Friday, December 24, 2010

Day six

Day six of no food. Six and a half actually, because I stopped eating early on Saturday. It also happens to be Christmas Eve. Woo-hoo!

Surviving on this few calories is the hardest thing I have ever done. Those who know me know I have a strong interest in WWII, especially the holocaust. Having met survivors and seen cells and hideaways when I was in Paris, along with visiting several museums, over the years I have become interested in reading biographys and autobiographies with a sense of wonder and awe at these amazing people and how they survived the horrors of the Nazis.

Of course I would never even presume to compare not eating to those times. I feel selfish even mentioning any correlation between this and then. I at least have safety, a home, family, and security. However, I have been given a glimpse of what it is like to survive on virtually no calories. I've done it for one week. They did it for YEARS. Imagine. IT SUCKS.

And one simple week and I am a wreck. I have no energy. I have limited concentration. I am crabby beyond belief, short tempered, easily angered, have the urge to cry constantly (point in case - I just opened a package that Jim handed me from the mail from my close friend Terese. Terese, who knows the right words to say for comfort in any situation. I opened it up....and the box said Godiva Chocolates. I burst into laughter AND tears at the same time, thinking how did she get it so wrong? I then OPENED the box to find my favorite thing from one of her family traditions - old fashioned snip candy, which I think I CAN have, in moderation at least. So then I started crying again that I had doubted her, when OF COURSE she got it just right! Thank you Terese!), and I pretty much want to curl up in bed and hide. is December 24th. Christmas Eve. We are going to my sisters where there will be plenty of food, but also plenty of people to chat with. The kids are already making noise about wanting to go to bed, so that the presents will arrive by morning. And best of all, I only have THREE MORE DAYS to go! The 25th, 26th, and 27th.

The day before surgery will be a nightmare of its own - NO calories at all, just water and drinking bowel prep. Which is going to make for a FUN day. But I anticipate that it will be SO over the top that it will be humorous. Then the 29th, and it is over. I will have made it.

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