Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snip candy

I miss my snip candy that Terese sent me. The other night Jim discovered the mouse's nest, and he had built it out of snip candy. Jim cleaned it up and went in search of the mouse, with no luck. During the middle of the night Jim awoke to the sounds of the mouse scurrying around. Sure enough, the mouse had re-discovered the snip candy and was going back and forth, back and forth, moving it to his new location in the blinds. Jim tried to wake Jack up to come out and help him catch the mouse, all Jack did was sit on the floor yawning, whining about wanting to go back to bed. Jack left the nest and went and bought mouse traps. He then came back to take down the new snip candy nest, only to find it gone. Again. He loaded the traps, but our mouse is too evasive - he knew better. Jim then found another nest, once again of snip candy. The mouse just keeps moving it. (Why is the snip candy not being thrown away outside? This is my question for Jim later...) At this point, however, I am starting to be impressed with the mouse's evasive maneuvers, and a small part of me is rooting for the mouse. Especially because the traps are NOT the humane kind. I don't want to hurt the mouse - I just want him to live somewhere else. Ideally we could catch it and drive it to the Wildlife Refuge, but Jim looked at me like I was a little loco when I suggested that.

All I know is that the mouse STOLE my snip candy and that makes me sad!

1 comment:

  1. I think there's a great children's book idea in there -- smart mouse. Don't worry -- I'll send more, this time in a mouseproof box! Just be careful -- I know some gastric bypass patients can't eat hard candy because of the dreaded dumping syndrome. We'll be praying for you tomorrow!
