Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A-ha moments

I've been thinking about weight loss surgery for about 5 years, but never looked into it. It seemed so drastic. I couldn't imagine having to give up, forever, so many of my favorite foods. I've known people that have been successful with the surgery and others who have put the weight back on. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a risky candidate for surgery - infections seem to find me where ever I am.

I met with a nurse clinician at Park Nicollet Bariatric Center in August. She herself had had gastric bypass surgery. She told me about what she calls 'a-ha' moments. An a-ha moment is the moment is a moment of enlightening. The moment you go from thinking about something to actually making a decision. You can also have a-ha moments after the decision has been made - moments that re-affirm your decision.

Mine happened in early August.

After Justin had finally recovered from his surgeries, we went out an bought him a 3 wheeled recumbent trike - thanks to a grant from Gillette. Justin has never been able to ride a bike before, and here was one that not only could he ride, but he loved it as well. For the first time ever we made plans to go on a family bike ride. Jim dug my bike out of storage and off the four of us went.

After I had ridden past only TWO houses, I was so winded, tired, and sore that I couldn't continue. I had to stop, go home, and see my family go on a bike ride without me. I MISSED my son's first bike ride! That was devastating to me.

It was an a-ha moment. Food is not worth missing out on these moments. My health is bad - I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis in my knees and ankles, six discs in my back have gone bad, reflux, depression, chronic pain everywhere from the weight, nerve damage, etc. Food is NOT worth my health.

So I made the first step, and I called Park Nicollet and made the appointment with that nurse clinician.

I had had my a-ha moment.

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