Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I've always openly admitted that I am lazy...

I know, I know. I have had so many people comment that I haven't updated. But honestly, do you really want to hear that I am still sick?

Well, no really, though. It's more like 'again' than 'still'. And it isn't just me. All four of us have been circulating a cold/flu/virus/stomach thing around for over a month now. It hit Allie first, then one by one we toppled. This last week hasn't been fun, as I have been particularly miserable with a headache.

Yeah...the headache. When I was in my 20's I started getting migraines. To the point where 1-2 times a week I was in the ER for fluids because of dehydration. They ruled my life. Oddly, when I got pregnant, they went away. I had 12 migraine free years. Two days after my surgery, while still in the hospital, I had a migraine. And...they're back. Like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I've been having one every 1-2 weeks. It sucks. I hope it is just an adjustment period thing - right now I am still pretty malnourished (as I should be...that's part of the surgery) and my body is in shock. I think as I am able to eat more and things settle down, not to mention getting this darn virus out of my house, that they will go away again. (Fingers crossed!)

The weight loss? Excellent. I have lost 60 pounds. Jeans that didn't even FIT two months ago are now on the last belt loop of a belt! Woo-hoo! It's true what they say though - that it takes a while for the mind to catch up. Allie and I were at the store the other day and I tried on a couple of shirts. Allie thought they looked great; I thought they looked tight. And small. And revealing. I'm so used to wearing large baggy clothes in a (failed) attempt to hide my body.

And holy crap am I sick of protein.

But overall I am healed, better, and glad I did it. There is just lots of changes! And I am still losing about 5 pounds a week!

Everything else is going well. Justin had his 9 month post-op last week. Everything is healed, and we can schedule surgery #2 any time. We are thinking August. It is a relatively quick and easy - they go back into the leg to remove the plate and screws, thus allowing for bone growth. He grew FOUR inches over the winter!

Allie is on a quest for a cell phone. We told her that she would have to pay for it herself, and we would give her a trial run for a couple months. She has to prove she can do the extra chores to earn the money, no tantrums or complaints, and prove herself reliable and trustworthy. So far? I'm thinking Allie might not be getting a phone for a while... She also knows that every evening we will view all her texts, view all incoming and outgoing calls, etc. We'll see.

Sadly, Jim lost a friend a couple weeks ago. It was pretty hard on  him. He was able to attend the funeral in Ohio, which I think provided some comfort, but was awful. He's been doing work around the house - putting in a new microwave cuz ours died, stuff like that. He finished up a class last week - maintained his 4.0 gpa and now school starts again next week. How many years does it take when doing one class at a time? I am SO ready for him to be done.

That's all for now. Oh, except Jack. My scruffy woobie is going to have his 'cousin' (my sister's dog) come stay for 10 days. We are excited - I think the dogs will have fun together.

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