Sunday, January 16, 2011


I am starting to see some results - that's a good thing, right? I started at 260 lbs and in under three weeks I am down to 235 lbs. I can tell that my face is slimmer and my belly is a bit smaller. It is still swollen though. Sigh... But today when I showered I was able to put on an XXL shirt - that doesn't sound like a big deal, but I have been in a plus size 3-4 X for many years. To be able to wear a shirt that didn't come from the plus size department is a pretty good feeling!

I am still on purees, which suck! I was excited for them, but they are nasty. It might be better if I was hungry, but since I'm not, eating slimy food isn't up my alley. The worst was the day I made tuna - pureed with a bit of mayo and pickle, it was a loose enough consistency that I could have sipped it through a straw. The whole 'the taste is the same' is a bunch of b.s. - I had to gag that down. I have to focus so hard on protein, that the purees I am eating are egg, meatball, cream of wheat (which I like but am getting sick of...), tuna, refried beans, etc. I did cheat a couple times and have mashed potatoes, but those are nutritionally a waste of time. They don't provide any of the nutrients that I need.

I am still only supposed to be eating 2-3 TBSP three times a day. Yesterday I didn't drink my liquids as much as I was supposed to, so come dinner time I actually WAS hungry for the first time. It was one of my cheats with the mashed potatoes, and I ate about 1/2 cup. OMG what a mistake! I was sick for hours. I went for a walk thinking it would move things through, but it didn't. It all got stuck in my stomach, and finally several hours later I had to bite the bullet and throw up to get rid of the pain. Jim thinks it is funny cuz he, Allie, AND Justin ALL told me I was eating too much, but I didn't listen. I learned my lesson. No more Frank Sinatra moves for me! (I did it myyyyy waaaayyy...)

On the 31st I will move to soft foods. It will be the same foods I can have as purees, but not pureed. Unfortunately that doesn't excite me too much - once you've eaten liquid tuna, going back to it regular still sounds disgusting. By March I should be able to add things like a quarter of a piece of bread, small bites of meat, REAL food!

I'm excited for summer - I can't wait to be feeling good, looking good, etc. Already I feel completely healed, but my energy is still low. Walking helps, but I have missed some days because of the cold. You know it is cold when I get halfway down the block and Jack just sits down - done, refusing to move his little paws any further. Nothing like having to drag a 20 lb dog back to the house.

And Amy? We still have a mouse. I'm so proud of him for evading capture all this time! He gets the peanut butter off the traps and everything! He's a mousy little genius! I'm going to be sad when he is gone - I've never seen him, but I'm quite fond of him anyway. (Jim just says I like him cause he poops on HIS desk, not mine...)

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